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Senator for Athletics​

Hello everyone!


My name is Naomi Mack, YOUR Senator of Athletics and I am proud to be an Owl!
I am currently a senior here at Kennesaw and have had the honor of being a KSU Track & Field athlete for the past 4 years. As a former team captain and Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) representative I am dedicated to listening to the concerns of the athletes and students of KSU. It is my duty to work on behalf of the students and make sure your voices are heard. We have a lot of changes coming from Athletics and I encourage everyone to support with spirit, get excited, and to take pride in our university.

If you have any concerns at all, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Senator Mack
Black and Gold... Proud and Bold!

Senator Naomi Mack

Communications Major

Office Hours:

W & R 2:00-3:00




Kennesaw State University

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