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Senators @ Large (3 Seats)

Welcome Fellow Owls,


My name is Teena Thomas and I am delighted to be serving as your Senator at Large. As your Senator at Large, I am the representation of the entire student body.  I am here to assist and help all students in order for you to have a successful and productive school year and to address any questions or comments you may have about the University.

This school year I look forward to helping students improve their understanding of the University and to guide them into become a vital part of Kennesaw State. As a part of Kennesaw State's Student Government Association, I encourage every student to get involved during the academic school year by attending as many events and student activities that you can. I look forward to achieving a high participation rate in our SGA events and school wide activities. It is my desire that this will not only increase the students knowledge of the university but also increase the academic success of the student body.Overall I am excited to start the academic school year and I look forward to achieving our goals for the 2012-2013 school year. I want wish everyone good luck this semester.


Best Wishes,
Senator Thomas

Senator Teena Thomas

Communications Major

Office Hours:




Kennesaw State University

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