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Senators for University College (2 Seats)

Welcome University College Students;


My name is Kimberly Atlee and I will be representing you this 2012/2013 year on the Student Government Association. As your Senator, my fiduciary responsibility is to represent your best interest. I am honored and excited to serve the student body the University College for the second year at KSU.


Please get involved in your campus community by sharing your concerns either with me directly or during an SGA general meeting. These meetings occur every Thursday at 3:30pm in the Student Center. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any campus concerns.


I look forward to serving you this year!

Kimberly Atlee

Senator Kimberly Atlee


Office Hours:

F 8:00-9:00 & 11:00-12:00




Kennesaw State University

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