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Senators for the College of Science and Mathematics (3 Seats)

Hello KSU,


We want to first start off by welcoming all freshman and returning students back to Kennesaw.  As the campus as a whole continues to grow, the College of Math and Science is also reaching new heights. As Student Government Senators of the College of Math and Science, we are ready to serve you and hear your concerns in order to make our school an outstanding one. We can't stress enough how, as your Senators, we want to voice every question or problem you may have. ALWAYS remember that we exist to be an advocacy for you. Feel free to stop by the Senate office on the third of the Student Center.


Best Wishes,
Senators Eku Oben & Jamel Williams

Senator Eku Oben

Biology Major

Office Hours:

T & R 6:00-7:00


Senator Jamel Williams

Biology Major

Office Hours:

M 3:30-4:30 & T 2:00-3:00




Kennesaw State University

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