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Senators for the College of Health and Human Services (3 Seats)

Welcome, students of the College of Health and Human Services!


My name is Jensine Tomi, and I am one of the Senators for the College of Health and Human Services. My role as a senator is to voice your concerns to the school and strategize ways we can fix any of those concerns you may have. This academic year, I look forward to improving the College of Health and Human Services. The College itself is relatively new, and there is always room for improvement! This year, I would like to find a way to create more effective student evaluations that cater to each class or subject. My fellow senator, Elizabeth and I hope that our presence will help our college grow with curiosity about issues surrounding our campus. We need you, the College of Health and Human Services, to help shape us in executing our job successfully. In this new academic year, We are looking forward to our constituents thoroughly understanding our role and that we am readily available to assist their needs.


Best Wishes,​


Senator Tomi

Senator Elizabeth Thomas

Exercise and Health Science Major

Office Hours:

M 12:30-2:30

Senator Jensine Tomi

Nursing Major

Office Hours:

M 1:00-3:00




Kennesaw State University

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